
Preventing School Dropouts and Increasing School Attendance Rates: An Inter-Country Study

The violence that students inflict on each other in school today can be devastating for students who are being bullied by peers. The consequences of this include children and young people having difficulty concentrating on classes, not wanting to attend classes, not wanting to appear in school with the thought of encountering a peer-bullying student, running away from school or dropping out of school altogether. It is inevitable that this will have a negative impact on academic achievement and future educational and employment prospects. Anxiety, insecurity and insecure environments do not coincide with the learning environment, and in this context, such atmospheres can undermine the understanding of quality in education and training for all students. In this article, an intercountry research on preventing school dropout and increasing school attendance rates was conducted. In order to prevent school leaving, it is recommended to develop and implement programs that take into account peer, teacher and school factors, along with policies.


drop-out, school dropout, school principals, bullying, teacher, manager


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